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Activities on Tunstall Hills

Some of the Tunstall Hills Protection Group members have been carrying out informal litter-picks on the Hills on the first Saturday of the month, meeting at ten o'clock at the Changing Rooms Car Park. The Changing Rooms Car Park is at the top of the narrow metalled road which leads up from Leechmere Road, opposite its junction with Helvellyn Road. If you would like to help us you would be very welcome. You would need to provide your own gardening or work gloves and plastic bin bags and it is advisable to wear strong footwear. Unfortunately there is no facility for collecting the full bags of rubbish at the moment and you would need to be prepared to take your full bags home to be disposed of in your wheelie bin. Although this is a group activity we strictly observe social distancing. For more information please email


Come and join us on our annual geology walk on Sunday October 16th which will be led by retired geologist David Lawrence. 

Please meet at the Changing Rooms Car Park at 2pm - the car park is accessed from the narrow roadway which leads up from Leechmere Road opposite its junction with Helvellyn Road.

There is no charge for THPG members but we ask visitors to pay £2 each; Under 16s go free but they must be supervised by a responsible adult. Please note that we will be walking over some sloping ground so sturdy footwear is recommended and we must point out that all of those attending do so at their own risk.

For more information please email thpgmembers

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